Other Information / Links

Click on the logo below and have a look through the 'Articles' section of the website for a wealth of information, including guides for parents.

Click the Parent View link below to complete the Ofsted questionnaire about our school.

Click here to view the Wigan Council Safeguarding information


Useful Websites for Parents

  • The National Autistic Society – Gives information about autism, parental advice, strategies and approaches, etc.
  • British Dyslexia Association – A useful website with information about dyslexia, assessment and identification, exam concessions, etc.
  • Dyspraxia Foundation – Offers information and supports individuals and families affected by developmental dyspraxia through books, suggestions, a teen newsletter, and an adult support group.
  • Young Minds – The UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
  • ADHD Foundation – A useful website that provides information and guidance around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health – Provides a free and comprehensive source of information for young people, parents and professionals about the range of mental health difficulties and disorders that may be encountered during childhood and adolescence.
  • Wigan Family Welfare – A useful website that describes the counselling service we have in school.
  • Wigan Council’s Targeted Education Support Service (TESS) – Information about what TESS is, what they do and how you can get their help.
  • The Anti-Bullying Alliance – Gives useful information and advice about how to deal with bullying and the impact that bullying can have.
  • Contact a Family – An organisation that provides information and support to parents of children with many different sorts of disability.
  • Talking Point – Talking Point provides a guide to speech and language services and useful links to other associated websites.
  • Wigan Council’s 0-19 Gateway Service – Information on the 0-19 Gateway service that Wigan Council provides for young people. There is also an additional information leaflet about the service.
  • Childnet – A useful website for keeping young people safe online.
  • No Panic – This website provides valuable information for sufferers and carers of people who have panic attacks, anxiety, phobias and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD).
  • Happyeye – Glasses that intend to reduce or stop visual stress.
  • Autism Resources for Families – Resources about Autism Specturm Disorder (ASD) from the National Autism Center.
  • Reduce the Noise – Help loved ones with sensory overload enjoy shopping.
  • Temple Grandin’s Teaching Tips – Teaching tips for children and adults with autism.


Download the latest parents info below (pdf format document) or they can be obtained from the School Office.

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‘Together in God's Love: aim high, stay strong, be determined’

St. David Haigh & Aspull C.E. Primary School

Copperas Lane, Haigh, Wigan, WN2 1PA

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