Acorn 2024 - 2025
Miss Perry
Welcome to Acorn class
Welcome to our class page, here you will find information about our class and see the exciting learning that takes place. Please follow us on Twitter @Class1_StDavids for regular updates about our learning. Click on the links below to access a range of learning platforms.
This term's project is:
On the Beach
This project teaches children about the plants and animals that live at the seaside. It also explores holidays in the past and the importance of keeping safe in the Sun. The children will explore and discuss similarities between aspects of their life and life in the past, using books, stories and pictures. They will listen to a variety of music, rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound and sharing their opinions. They will say how two places in the immediate environment are the same or different and begin to collect simple geographical data during fieldwork activities. They will talk about stories and make connections with events in their own lives or other familiar stories. The children will also write short sentences using words with known sound-letter correspondences. With support, begin to use a capital letter and a full stop. They will explore artwork by famous artists and talk about their likes and dislikes.
Memorable experience - What can you do at the beach?
Innovate challenge - The children will create a seaside picture and information pack to show the animals that live in rock pools, under the sea and on the seashore.
The children will also enjoy reading the text, Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae
This companion projects for On the Beach are Move It and Moving On
In the Move It project, children will learn about the importance of exercise, sleep and a balanced diet, and explore the outdoors, summer games and activities. In the Moving On project, the children will celebrate their successes throughout their Reception year. It explores how they have grown and changed and supports them with the changes to come as they move into Year 1.
Memorable experiences - Sports sessions & transition to Year 1
Innovate challenge - What makes a healthy lifestyle? Children will see themselves as a valuable individual and describe themselves in positive terms, talking about their abilities and interests.
Useful information
Reading books are changed on a Friday
Library books are changed on a Friday
PE day is Thursday - please send children to school in full PE kit
New home learning is set every Friday, you can access via your child's Purple Mash account.
Useful Links
Ruth Miskin Virtual Classroom - Phonics RWI
Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the appropriate age category.