Pine 2023 - 2024

Miss Pick

Pine Class Teacher


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Welcome to Pine Class

Year 3 and Year 4


Welcome to our class page, here you will find information about our class and see the exciting learning that takes place. Please follow us on Twitter @Class4_StDavids for regular updates about our learning. Click on the links below to access a range of learning platforms. 


This term's project is:

Road trip USA!


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Buckle up and put your sunglasses on – this half term we’re going on a road trip across the USA!

Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.


Help your child prepare for their project

The USA is an incredible place, with a varied landscape and culture. Why not choose a state to research together and create a scrapbook of exciting locations? You could also make a playlist of American songs from different genres that you could listen to on your road trip. Alternatively, visit the supermarket together to see if you can identify any foods associated with the USA. You might even try some of them!

Useful information

Reading books are changed on a Friday

Library books are changed on a Monday

PE day is Tuesday - please send children to school in full PE kit

New home learning is set every Friday, you can access via your child's Purple Mash account. 


Useful Links:


Times Tables Rockstars

Topmarks - Games and activities 7-11 Years

Home - BBC Bitesize

Oxford Owl - Free Ebook library - select any of the books in the appropriate age category.

BBC Teach - free collection for children to practice their times tables.


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‘Together in God's Love: aim high, stay strong, be determined’

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Copperas Lane, Haigh, Wigan, WN2 1PA

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