
At St. David's 

Children will:

  • Read a varied selection of texts whilst gaining an increased level of fluency, accuracy, independence and understanding.
  • Use reading as a means of information gathering and retrieval.
  • Be encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards books so that reading is seen as a necessary but pleasurable activity.
  • Be taught a variety of strategies to help them read, including: phonics, picture clues, whole word recognition and context.
  • Use their reading skills as an integral part of their learning throughout the entire curriculum.
  • Have a daily opportunity to read or share books.
  • Be encouraged, through reading schemes and a variety of other reading material to continue the reading process at home.
  • Have access to the school library as a reference and borrowing facility.


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Our Approach to teaching Phonics in school

In school we use the Read Write Inc Phonics programme to teach reading and writing skills in Reception and across Key Stage One. The RWI programme is endorsed by the Department for Education and is recognised as a quality approach to teaching systematic phonics in schools and developing early reading skills. 

At St. David's, we invest in Continuous Professional Develoment for all staff to support quality teaching and learning of phonics. Throughout the year, staff engage in a range of professional development activities to ensure their practice is of the highest standard. 



Literacy and Language follows on from Phonics and Comprehension. It is a complete literacy programme for fluent readers in Years 2 to Year 6 which teaches children to read, write and discuss texts with maturity. Please see the attached Literacy and Lanuugae overview for thsi academic year. 

Read Write Inc and Literacy and Language is aligned fully to the National Curriculum for reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. 


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‘Together in God's Love: aim high, stay strong, be determined’

St. David Haigh & Aspull C.E. Primary School

Copperas Lane, Haigh, Wigan, WN2 1PA

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